Which Free-2-Play FPS Games are more like Pay-2-Win Games?
The problem with most free-to-play games is the fact that many members can simply pay to win, especially in RTS games. However, most free first-person-shooters seem to be fair for the players without cash for upgrades. There was one time when I was spending cash on Warrock every week and when I stopped, I still did just as good. So, upgrades can be nice but they don’t always mean you will win or do better than other players who haven’t paid for them. But still, there must be some free-2-play FPS games to avoid if you refuse to pay for upgrades and add-ons. Well there are a few games that come to mind and if you do the research I will bet you the reviews agree with me, especially Battlefield Play4Free. They really know how to get their money’s worth, because Battlefield P4F is huge and players dump a lot of money into it. If you can’t pay then don’t play Battlefield Play 4 Free. Many gamers feel that Combat Arms and Team Fortress 2 are the worst Free-2-Play FPS games ever made, alth...